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Individual-Level Strategies
Cognitive-behavioral skills-based approach

Skills training, alcohol focus: Protective behavioral strategies alonea

Protective behavioral strategies involve delivery of tips for minimizing or avoiding alcohol-related harms without any other intervention.

  • Effectiveness: = Moderate effectiveness
  • Cost: $ = Lower
  • Barriers: # = Lower
  • Research Amount: ** = 4 to 6 studies
  • Public Health Reach: Broad
  • Primary Modality: Online/offsite
  • Staffing Expertise Needed: Coordinator
  • Target Population: Individuals, specific groups, or all students
  • Duration of Effects: Short-term (< 6 months) and long-term (≥ 6 months) effects

NOTE: Cost ratings are based on the relative program and staff costs for adoption, implementation, and maintenance of a strategy. Actual costs will vary by institution, depending on size, existing programs, and other campus and community factors.

An official website of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

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