Skills training, alcohol plus general life skills: Parent-based alcohol communication training
Parent-based alcohol communication training is a campus-sponsored program for parents of students, particularly incoming freshmen, to train parents to effectively talk with their children about alcohol use, avoidance, and consequences.
Effectiveness: = Moderate effectiveness
Cost: $$ = Mid-range
Research Amount: **** = 11+ studies
Public Health Reach: Focused
Primary Modality: Offsite
Staffing Expertise Needed: Coordinator
Target Population: Individuals, underage, specific groups, or all students
Duration of Effects: Short-term (< 6 months) effects; mixed long-term (≥ 6 months) effects
Effectiveness ratings are based on the percentage of studies reporting any positive outcomes. Strategies with three or fewer studies did not receive an effectiveness rating due to the limited data on which to base a conclusion. Cost ratings are based on the relative program and staff costs for adoption, implementation, and maintenance of a strategy. Actual costs will vary by institution, depending on size, existing programs, and other campus and community factors. Barriers to implementing a strategy include cost and opposition, among other factors. Public health reach refers to the number of students that a strategy affects. Strategies with a broad reach affect all students or a large group of students (e.g., all underage students); strategies with a focused reach affect individuals or small groups of students (e.g., sanctioned students). Research amount/quality refers to the number of randomized controlled trials (RCT) that evaluated the strategy. Duration of effects refers to the timeframe within which the intervention demonstrated effects on alcohol-related behavioral outcomes; follow-up periods for short-term effects were <6 months; follow-up periods for long-term effects were ≥6 months.
Cronce, J.M.; and Larimer, M.E. Individual-focused approaches to the prevention of college student drinking. Alcohol Research and Health 34(2):210-21, 2011.
- Turrisi, R.; Larimer, M.E.; Mallett, K.A.; Kilmer, J.R.; Ray, A.E.; Mastroleo, N.R.; et al. A randomized clinical trial evaluating a combined alcohol intervention for high-risk college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 70:555–67, 2009.
- Wood, M.D.; Fairlie, A.M.; Fernandez, A.C.; Borsari, B.; Capone, C.; Laforge, R.; et al. Brief motivational and parent interventions for college students: A randomized factorial study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 78(3):349–61, 2010.
Additional studies not identified in prior reviews
- Donovan, E.; Wood, M.; Frayjo, K.; Black, R.A.; and Surette, D.A. A randomized, controlled trial to test the efficacy of an online, parent-based intervention for reducing the risks associated with college-student alcohol use. Addictive Behaviors 37:25–35, 2012. (MyStudentBody-Parent)
- Ichiyama, M.A.; Fairlie, A.M.; Wood, M.D.; Turrisi, R.; Francis, D.P.; Ray, A.E.; et al. A randomized trial of a parent-based intervention on drinking behavior among incoming college freshmen. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (Suppl. 16):67–76, 2009.
- Testa, M.; Hoffman, J.H.; Livingston, J.A.; and Turrisi, R. Preventing college women's sexual victimization through parent based intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Prevention Science 11, 308–18, 2010.
- Turrisi, R.; Jaccard, J.; Taki R.; Dunnam, H.; and Grimes, J. Examination of the short-term efficacy of a parent intervention to reduce college student drinking tendencies. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 15:366–72, 2001.
- Turrisi, R.; Abar, C.; Taki, R.; Mallett, K.; and Jaccard, J. An examination of the mediational effects of cognitive and attitudinal factors of a parent intervention to reduce college drinking. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40:2500–26, 2010
References from 2019 update
- Doumas, D.M.; Turrisi, R.; Ray, A.E.; et al. A randomized trial evaluating a parent based intervention to reduce college drinking. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment45(1):31–37, 2013.
- LaBrie, J.W.; Earle, A.M.; Boyle, S.C.; et al. A parent-based intervention reduces heavy episodic drinking among first-year college students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors30(5):523–535, 2016.
- Napper, L.E.; LaBrie, J.W.; and Earle, A.M. Online personalized normative alcohol feedback for parents of first-year college students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30(8):802–810, 2016.
- Cleveland, M.J.; Hultgren, B.; Varvil?Weld, L.; et al. Moderation of a parent?based intervention on transitions in drinking: Examining the role of normative perceptions and attitudes among high? and low?risk first?year college students. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research37(9):1587–1594, 2013.
- Turrisi, R.; Mallett, K.A.; Cleveland, M.J.; et al. Evaluation of timing and dosage of a parent-based intervention to minimize college students' alcohol consumption. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 74(1):30–40, 2013.
- Grossbard, J.R.; Mastroleo, N.R.; Geisner, I.M.; et al. Drinking norms, readiness to change, and gender as moderators of a combined alcohol intervention for first-year college students. Addictive Behaviors 52:75–82, 2016.
For information about intervention designs and implementation, check the articles in the References tab.