Results and Recommendations From the NIAAA Task Force on College Drinking: New Opportunities for Research and Program Planning
Treating Addictions in Special Populations: Research Confronts Reality
October 7 and 8, 2002
Binghamton Regency Conference Center
Binghamton, New York
Fred Donodeo, MPA
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Bethesda, MD
Why Was the Task Force Created?
- Increasing Public and NIAAA Concern
- Congressional Inquiries
- Gaps in Research
- Need to provide science-based information to colleges
- Bring research to the forefront of the discussion
Composition of Task Force
- 15 College Presidents
- 17 Researchers
- 8 College Students
- 4 High School Students
- Chairs:
- Rev. Edward Malloy (U.N.D.)
- Dr. Mark Goldman (U.S.F.)
Task Force Goals
- Provide new, comprehensive data on the extent of the problem
- Advise NIAAA and other policymakers on gaps in knowledge to inform future research to improve campus prevention and treatment programs
- Provide presidents, policymakers, and researchers with information and recommendations on the effectiveness of current interventions and encourage them to embrace rigorous methodology and research-based solutions in general
Why is the Task Force Unique?
- First project of such length (3 years) involving presidents and researchers who deliberated to reach their conclusions
- First NIH report on college drinking to offer recommendations based on a comprehensive review of the research literature
- First report to offer tiered, research-based recommendations to presidents and staff
- Offers a comprehensive research agenda to address gaps in knowledge
Task Force Products
- Task Force Report
- Two Panel Reports
- 24 scientific papers (see handout):
- 1 published in the Journal on Alcohol Studies
- 18 published in a supplement to the Journal on Alcohol Studies
- Brochures for parents, presidents, and RAs/Peer Educators
- Planning Guide for college staff on how to implement and evaluate intervention programs
- Website
- CD - ROM
Major Sections of the Task Force Report
- Extent of the Problem
- Research-based recommendations for Presidents
- Recommendations for future research
- Research Recommendations for NIAAA
Magnitude of College Drinking Consequences (All statistics are annual)
- 1,400 Alcohol-Related Unintentional Injury Deaths (1,100 Traffic)
- 2.1 Million Drove Under the Influence
- 500,000 Injured
- 400,000 Had Unprotected Sex
- 100,000 Had Sex When Unable to Consent
- 70,000 Victims of Sexual Assault
- 600,000 Assaulted
Research-based Recommendations for Presidents and Programming Staff
- 3-in-1 Framework
- "Tier" Approach
The 3-in-1 Framework
The 3-in-1 Framework is a useful introduction to encourage presidents, administrators, college prevention specialists, students, and community members to think in a broad and comprehensive fashion about college drinking.
- Individuals, including at-risk or alcohol-dependent drinkers
- Student body as a whole
- College and Surrounding community
Task Force Recommendations
- Tier 1: Evidence of Effectiveness Among College Students
- Tier 2: Evidence of Success With General Populations That Could Be Applied to College Environments
- Tier 3: Evidence of Logical and Theoretical Promise, But Require More Comprehensive Evaluation
- Tier 4: Evidence of Ineffectiveness
Recommendations for the Research Community
- High priority on evaluation research
- Well-designed evaluation studies...
- Increase likelihood of program effectiveness
- Maximize use of resources
- Validate program credibility
- Extract more and better information from existing research databases
- Develop standards for assessing campus alcohol problems, monitoring trends, and evaluating programs
- Improve existing data systems (e.g. FARS) to more accurately monitor college drinking deaths over time
- Collaborate with universities to capitalize on "natural experiments"
- Partner with universities on short-term evaluations of popular, common- sense prevention strategies
- Assist universities in using research- based evidence to improve alcohol policies and programs
Recommendations to NIAAA: Improving Research Methods
- Implement a national surveillance and data system for all U.S. colleges and universities
- Support development of state-of- the - art screening and assessment measures
Recommendations to NIAAA: Lengthy and Complex Research
- Longitudinal studies of youth - early adolescence to young adulthood
- Measuring effectiveness of campus- community coalitions
- Multi-site campus trials of promising strategies
Other Task Force Recommendations to NIAAA
- Disseminate research-based information to all college campuses
- Expand funding to support college drinking research on as many campuses as possible
Ongoing NIAAA Activities
- Website
- Regional Workshops
- Annual Updates
- Research funding available from NIAAA: $8 million over next two years
- Task Force conclusions are not an end, but a beginning
- Provides the foundation for science, rather than anecdote, to guide college drinking prevention efforts
Scientific Papers Commissioned by The NIAAA Task Force On College Drinking
Papers Commissioned by Panel 1: Contexts and Consequences
- Magnitude of Alcohol Related Mortality and Morbidity Among U.S. College Students Ages 18-24, Ralph Hingson, et al.
- Measuring College Alcohol Use and Abuse The Method Shapes the Message, George Dowdall and Henry Wechsler
- Epidemiology of Alcohol Uses Among College Students, Patrick O’Malley
- Student Factors: Understanding Individual Variation in College Drinking, John Baer
- Today’s First Year Students and Alcohol, Lee Upcraft
- So What is An Administrator to Do?, Susan Murphy
- College Factors Influencing Drinking, Phil Meilman and Cheryl Presley
- A Developmental Perspective on Alcohol Use and Heavy Drinking during Adolescence and the Transition to Young Adulthood, John Schulenberg and Jennifer Maggs
- Alcohol Use and Risky Sexual Behavior Among College Students, Lynne Cooper
- Surveying the Damage: A Review of Research on Consequences of Alcohol Misuse in College Populations, Wesley Perkins
- Alcohol and Aggression on College Campuses, Peter Giancola
- Alcohol and Sexual Assault: A Common Problem Among College Students, Antonia Abbey
- The Adolescent Brain and the College Drinker: Biological Bais of Propensity to Use and Misuse Alcohol, Linda Spear
Papers Commissioned by Panel 2: Prevention and Treatment
- Individually Oriented Interventions, Mary Larimer
- Campus Norm Setting, Wesley Perkins
- Environmental Policy, Traci Toomey and Alexander Wagenaar
- Effects of Uniform Age 21 Laws, Alexander Wagenaar and Traci Toomey
- Comprehensive Interventions, Ralph Hingson
- Advertising and Promotion, Henry Saffer
- Methodology, Robert Saltz
- Description of Ongoing Policies and Practices, William DeJong
- Counter-Advertising and the Use of Media for Health Promotions, William DeJong
- Student Perspectives, Peggy Eastman
- Politics of Change and Leadership: Questions and Answers with College Presidents, Joy Mara
* Full text of all papers can be found at